Portcullis Tree and Woodland Consultancy

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Planning Permission 

 When proposed development has the potential to impact upon trees, the local planning authority will insist on a survey being carried out in line with BS 5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction. We will liaise with your local planning department and tree officer to ensure that their needs are met and delays are avoided.
  1. The individual trees on site are identified and their respective category for retention is recorded.
  2. Root protection areas are determined in order that retained trees will not be adversely affected by the development.
  3. An arboricultural method statement will be provided, providing the detail on how the proposed works will be carried out without damaging retained trees.
  4. Compensatory or additional planting can be specified so as to provide maximum ecological and amenity benefits whilst minimising future management issues.
  5. Advisory notes on ecological matters (protected species, designated areas) will be provided, recommending further reports from a consultant ecologist as appropriate.