Portcullis Tree and Woodland Consultancy

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We operate throughout London and the South East undertaking tree surveys and providing reports for developers, tree owners and woodland managers.  

If you are intending to submit a planning application and there is a possibility that trees will be affected, you will need to undertake a BS 5837 tree survey. This allows the local planning authority to process your application without delays. Please click the Planning permission button to learn more.

Safety inspections can identify risks and specify the work needed to reduce or remove the risk. Trees are an important part of our living and working environments but can lose structural integrity through infection with pathogenic organisms or physical damage. Please click on the Safety inspections button for more information.

Woodland management is necessary to realise both the maximum ecological value and to achieve the maximum benefit for the users, whether that is commercial or amenity. The Woodland management button will take you to details of the services provided.